18 November 2012
Our First Annual Report is Now Available!
We are pleased to present Accountability Counsel’s first Annual Report, covering our work from our founding in 2009 to the end of our most recent fiscal year in August 2012. -
23 October 2012
Panamanian Groups Demand Accountability for a Hydro Project that Threatens to Destroy a Major River
Tomorrow, the Inter-American Development Bank (“IDB”) Board of Directors will discuss an audit report finding that an IDB hydroelectric power project violates Bank policy and threatens the life of a major river in Western Panama and the communities that depend on the river for survival. -
12 October 2012
OPIC Management Makes Changes Due to AC’s Mexico Complaint
The President of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) responded to the Compliance Appraisal Report of the Office of Accountability in our Mexico Cerro de Oro case. OPIC Management agree that changes to OPIC practice are important to ensure social and environmental compliance with OPIC policy and to verify that project level grievance mechanisms function properly. More on this important victory is found on our Cerro de Oro case page. -
24 September 2012
World Bank and Others Poised to Invest in Rio Tinto’s Flawed Mongolian Mining Project
Accountability Counsel and 5 other organizations filed a joint press release about planned international financing of the Oyu Tolgoi gold and copper mine in the South Gobi desert. -
5 September 2012
UN Special Rapporteur Cites Maple Case in Report on Human Rights Violations by Extractive Industries
The UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights obligations related to environmentally sound management and disposal of hazardous substances and waste issued a report in July focusing on the adverse human rights impacts of extractive industries. The report cited our Peru case against Maple Energy as an example of violations to the rights to adequate health and life. Read more about our Peru case here. -
24 August 2012
Accountability Counsel comments on the CAO’s draft revised Operational Guidelines
Accountability Counsel and 13 other organizations from around the world submitted joint comments to the Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman (“CAO”) regarding their draft revised Operational Guidelines. Read more. -
31 July 2012
Complaint Filed in Russian Strategic Support Case
Today, with support from Accountability Counsel and Pacific Environment, Sakhalin Environment Watch filed a complaint on behalf of community members living adjacent to a highly polluting liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) plant and oil and gas export terminals. The complaint was filed with the Dutch and UK National Contact Points (“NCPs”) against Royal Dutch Shell and three of the largest UK banks: Royal Bank of Scotland, Standard Chartered and Barclays. Read the joint press release and learn more under the “Oil and Gas Development, Sakhalin Island, Russia” tab here. -
27 July 2012
Read Natalie Fields’ interview with Righting Food
Accountability Counsel’s Executive Director, Natalie Bridgeman Fields, discussed what communities can do when the World Bank finances land grabs with Kaitlin Y. Cordes, creator of the website Righting Food. -
17 July 2012
Accountability Counsel comments on the Asian Development Bank’s Proposed Results-Based Financing
On July 15, 2012, Accountability Counsel submitted comments voicing our concern that the Bank’s Results-Based Financing may weaken the application of its safeguard policies and limit accessibility to the ADB accountability mechanism. Read our comments here. -
13 July 2012
Accountability Resource Guide Updated
The Guide contains information on the Asian Development Bank’s 2012 Accountability Mechanism Policy, as well as updates on the the European Investment Bank, the U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation and the OECD National Contact Points, among others. Please see our Accountability Resource Guide page for more information. -
9 July 2012
The OPIC Office of Accountability (OA) Agrees to a Public Review of its Procedures
Accountability Counsel’s campaign succeeded in ensuring a public review of the OA’s procedures. We commend the OPIC OA for its positive response to the April 2012 letter sent by AC and 18 civil society partners denouncing the OA’s planned private, non-transparent review process. We look forward to participating in the OA’s public review process, and we will continue to work with the OA and civil society to make sure that the process is fair, independent and transparent. More details. -
18 June 2012
Announcing Five New Communities Cases
Accountability Counsel is pleased to announce our Communities initiative, which supports communities that have local capacity but are in need of specific help learning about, accessing or leveraging accountability mechanisms. Through this initiative we are currently working in Panama, India, Mongolia, Kenya, and Russia, and recently completed a successful collaboration with Law Students for Environmental and Economic Justice, a student-led organization at Berkeley Law. -
18 June 2012
Accountability Counsel Submits Comments on Proposed New UNDP Accountability Mechanism
Accountability Counsel submitted comments on June 18, 2012 to the United Nations Development Programme (“UNDP”) on the Proposal for Environmental and Social Compliance Review and Grievance Processes. The UNDP’s Proposal and Accountability Counsel’s comments are available here. -
12 June 2012
Accountability Counsel Welcomes Summer Law Fellows!
We are pleased to welcome Summer 2012 Law Fellows from UC Berkeley School of Law and UCLA School of Law, Katie Adamides, Scott Exner, Anisha Gupta and Sara Stephens. Read all about them here! -
6 April 2012
Campaign to Ensure Public Review of the OPIC Office of Accountability (OA)
Accountability Counsel and 18 civil society partners submitted a letter to the OPIC President and Board alerting them that the OA’s current review of its procedures is unacceptable. Any review must be independent, transparent and public. More details. -
3 April 2012
Our Spring 2012 Newsletter is now available!
Download our Spring 2012 Newsletter to hear updates from our work around the world, including in Peru, Papua New Guinea, Mexico, Panama and India, and our policy work to improve accountability mechanisms at the US Department of State and three other offices. Please contact us to receive our bi-annual Newsletter via email. -
31 January 2012
Accountability Counsel Begins Work on State Department Advisory Board
After two years of advocacy by Accountability Counsel and partners, the U.S. Department of State has agreed to form a Stakeholder Advisory Board to “provide recommendations … on implementation of the OECD Guidelines, including their public promotion, collaboration between the U.S. National Contact Point and stakeholders to anticipate and address future challenges in a proactive manner, and the operations of the U.S. NCP. The SAB is comprised of leaders from business, labor, civil society, and academia.” -
20 December 2011
World Bank Inspection Panel Confirms Violations of Social and Environmental Policies in Papua New Guinea
On December 19, 2011, the Inspection Panel released its Investigation Report, confirming violations of the Bank’s policies and announcing the Board’s approval of an action plan to require steps to bring the project into compliance! This news comes after two years of Accountability Counsel’s work to support smallholders in Papua New Guinea working to hold the World Bank accountable for this poorly designed and implemented project. Read more about our Papua New Guinea case page here. -
16 November 2011
Communities in Mexico Reject Cerro de Oro Hydroelectric Project
Read about the historic conclusion to the dispute-resolution phase of our case involving the US Government’s OPIC Office of Accountability! On November 14th the communities announced their decision and the case has now moved to an audit of OPIC’s compliance with its own policies and procedures. -
7 November 2011
Papua New Guinea Case Nearing Board Vote
Accountability Counsel and CELCOR released a report, The World Bank’s Duty in PNG, which highlights the ongoing concerns of smallholders in Project-affected areas and the responses still required by the World Bank to bring the Project into compliance with its own policies, along with a detailed critique of the Effluent Study that the Bank released many years late in July 2011. We presented the report to the Bank’s Board of Directors, and the Board will vote regarding next steps on December 13, 2011. Read more about our Papua New Guinea case page here.