• 16 July 2024

    Joint Civil Society Statement ahead of IFC Remedy and Responsible Exit Framework Decision

    By Civil Society Organizations
    Tomorrow, the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) of the World Bank Board of Executive Directors will discuss the IFC’s draft Remedy and Responsible Exit Framework, which is intended to outline how the institution will deliver remedy to communities harmed by projects it finances. This would be the first policy to…
  • 8 July 2024

    Redefining Impartiality: Advocating for a Community-Centered Approach to Accountability Mechanisms

    By Robi Chacha Mosenda, Accountability Counsel
    While accountability mechanisms are meant to provide impartiality and justice, strict adherence to impartiality can sometimes render them ineffective in addressing the unique needs and vulnerabilities of the very communities they were established to assist.
  • 3 July 2024

    Statement on the Situation in Kenya

    By Accountability Counsel
    We are saddened by the news of killings, abductions, arbitrary detentions, and violence meted out by the police in Kenya against its citizens. As an international organization that amplifies the voices of communities around the world seeking protection of their human rights and environment, we are alarmed at the retaliation…
  • 2 July 2024

    Banks do not assess project risks accurately. People and our planet pay the price.

    By Megumi Tsutsui, Accountability Counsel
    Discover how development financial institutions’ risk categorizations impact local communities and the environment, and why current safeguard measures may be falling short in protecting those most affected by investment projects.
  • 24 June 2024

    External Review Report Recommends Sweeping Changes to the AIIB’s Independent Accountability Mechanism

    By Radhika Goyal, Accountability Counsel
    The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), whose finance last year exceeded USD 52 billion, is currently reviewing the effectiveness of its independent accountability mechanism (IAM) for addressing allegations of environmental and social harm from communities, the Project-Affected People’s Mechanism (PPM). Ultimately, the success of the PPM as a trust-building office…
  • 14 June 2024

    Civil Society’s Key Demands to the African Development Bank

    By AfDB CSO Working Group
    The African Development Bank (AfDB) held its Annual Meetings on May 27–31, 2024, in Nairobi, Kenya, under the theme ‘Africa’s Transformation, the African Development Bank Group, and the Reform of the Global Financial Architecture.’ About 5,000 delegates, including representatives from civil society organizations (CSOs) working in Africa, attended the event.…
  • 13 June 2024

    Welcoming Michael Jarvis to Accountability Counsel’s Board of Directors!

    By Accountability Counsel
    Accountability Counsel is thrilled to welcome Michael Jarvis to our Board of Directors!
  • 4 June 2024

    Development Bank Must Prevent Forced Displacement

    By Aleena Mufti Anand, Stanford University
    This article analyzes community-led complaints about forced displacement in development bank projects, including coercive resettlement agreements and violent removals, and suggests measures to prevent future harm.
  • 3 June 2024

    One Year Later, Justice is Delayed: A joint statement on the implementation of the KIIDP-2 Kawaala Community Agreement

    By Accountability Counsel and Witness Radio
    One year since the signing of a dispute resolution agreement, advisors Accountability Counsel and Witness Radio evaluate progress toward the agreement’s implementation and remedy for community members.
  • 23 May 2024

    Joint Statement on World Bank Probe into Alleged Bridge Academies Child Sexual Abuse Cover-up

    By Accountability Counsel, Inclusive Development International, Center for International Environmental Law, and Urgewald
    We welcome the World Bank Board’s initiative in moving forward with the external investigation of the alleged Bridge Academies cover-up. However, the Bank’s press release sends mixed messages.
  • 8 May 2024

    The EBRD in Armenia: Lessons for Responsible Exit and Remedy

    By Lama Almoayed, Accountability Counsel
    As Accountability Counsel prepares for the annual meeting of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in Yerevan, Armenia, we highlight the sobering story of one of the EBRD’s most contentious projects in the country – the Amulsar Gold Mine. This project serves as a reminder of  what can go wrong when investment happens without adequate preparation for remediating negative impacts on local communities. As the EBRD revises the Environmental and Social Policy (ESP) that governs its operations, it must commit to remediating harmful impacts and develop a plan for responsibly divesting from projects.
  • 7 May 2024

    Upholding Banks’ Biodiversity Responsibilities

    By Gregory Berry, Accountability Counsel
    A deep dive into the use of independent accountability mechanisms to ensure nature-positive and rights-compatible development in the pursuit of biodiversity protection and ecosystem restoration.
  • Attribution: Freepik
    15 April 2024

    Creating and Holding Space: Participating in Development Bank Meetings

    By Gregory Berry, Accountability Counsel
    Dialogue is essential to inclusive development. The social license to operate in a given community depends on it. To be certain, creating intentional spaces to reflect on the actual experiences of project-impacted communities serves sustainability and continued improvement of impact. If Multilateral Development Banks and other institutions truly want to make their annual or biannual gatherings inclusive and hear from those most affected by the decisions made by these institutions, they must create more opportunities for civil society to engage with bank leadership during these meetings and remove restrictions and barriers to civil society participation. 
  • 2 April 2024

    The State of Remedy at the EBRD

    By Megan Pearson, Accountability Counsel
    With the release of the new draft Environmental and Social Policy, we look at outcomes data to evaluate whether remedy has been provided when its financed projects cause environmental or social harm.
  • 2 April 2024

    External Investigation Into Alleged IFC Cover-Up Must Be Robust and Transparent

    By Accountability Counsel, Gender Action, Inclusive Development International, Center for International Environmental Law, and Urgewald
    On March 13, 2024, World Bank Group (WBG) President Ajay Banga announced an external investigation of allegations of interference in the IFC Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO) process as relates to IFC’s investments in Bridge International Academies. As the World Bank Group moves forward with this investigation, it is important that it is independent and thorough.
  • 26 March 2024

    New U.S. Government National Action Plan Promotes Remedy for Corporate Harms: Implementation Will Be Key

    By Stephanie Amoako, Accountability Counsel
    Recognizing the need for U.S. leadership, the new U.S. National Action Plan on Responsible Business Conduct (NAP) includes commitments from various government agencies to promote responsible business conduct. Accountability Counsel submitted recommendations for the NAP, and we are happy to see several of our recommendations addressed.
  • 21 March 2024

    The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: A Momentous Development, but More Needed to Keep People and the Planet at the Heart of Due Diligence

    By Accountability Counsel
    While the CSDDD’s advancement is commendable, finalizing the CSDDD must be the beginning – not the end – of conversations on how to ensure that business and finance operates in a just, sustainable, and accountable way.
  • 14 March 2024

    IFC Response to Child Sexual Abuse Investigation Fails Survivors; Evades Responsibility

    By Accountability Counsel, Inclusive Development International, urgewald e.V., EACH Rights, Education International, Gender Action, and GI-ESCR
    Today, the World Bank released a scandalous internal investigation of child sexual abuse allegations at private schools funded by its private sector arm, the IFC. Although World Bank President Ajay Banga has expressed contrition, the IFC’s official management response fails to offer meaningful remedy to the survivors of abuse that it turned a blind eye to for almost a decade.
  • 11 March 2024

    Comparing the Independent Accountability Mechanism Policy Review Process Across MDBs

    By Radhika Goyal, Accountability Counsel
    Policy reviews at the World Bank, ADB, EBRD, and AIIB come at a time when MDBs have been entrusted with greater mandates to combat the urgent climate crisis. It is imperative that the policy reviews result in strong improvements to protect and guarantee the rights of project-affected communities around the world.
  • 8 March 2024

    IFC’s Response to Sexual Abuse Does Not Provide Remedy to Bridge Survivors; Executive Directors Should Reject It

    By Accountability Counsel, Inclusive Development International, and Gender Action
    On this International Women’s Day, the International Finance Corporation is asking its Executive Directors to endorse an inadequate and flawed plan in response to the investigation of child sexual abuse at Bridge International schools in Kenya. Executive Directors should reject the proposed MAP.