Accountability Counsel amplifies the voices of communities around the world to protect their human rights and environment. As advocates for people harmed by internationally financed projects, we employ community driven and policy level strategies to access justice.


  • 8 July, 2024

    Redefining Impartiality: Advocating for a Community-Centered Approach to Accountability Mechanisms

    By Robi Chacha Mosenda, Accountability Counsel
    While accountability mechanisms are meant to provide impartiality and justice, strict adherence to impartiality can sometimes render them ineffective in addressing the unique needs and vulnerabilities of the very communities they were established to assist.
  • 3 July, 2024

    Statement on the Situation in Kenya

    By Accountability Counsel
    We are saddened by the news of killings, abductions, arbitrary detentions, and violence meted out by the police in Kenya against its citizens. As an international organization that amplifies the voices of communities around the world seeking protection of their human rights and environment, we are alarmed at the retaliation…
  • 2 July, 2024

    Banks do not assess project risks accurately. People and our planet pay the price.

    By Megumi Tsutsui, Accountability Counsel
    Discover how development financial institutions’ risk categorizations impact local communities and the environment, and why current safeguard measures may be falling short in protecting those most affected by investment projects.
  • 24 June, 2024

    External Review Report Recommends Sweeping Changes to the AIIB’s Independent Accountability Mechanism

    By Radhika Goyal, Accountability Counsel
    The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), whose finance last year exceeded USD 52 billion, is currently reviewing the effectiveness of its independent accountability mechanism (IAM) for addressing allegations of environmental and social harm from communities, the Project-Affected People’s Mechanism (PPM). Ultimately, the success of the PPM as a trust-building office…
  • 21 June, 2024

    Proper EBRD policies can avoid further disgrace in Ukraine and elsewhere

    By Alexandre Andrade Sampaio and Caitlin Daniel, Accountability Counsel
    As the EBRD looks to the year ahead, we urge the bank to take this opportunity to reframe its policies with human and environmental rights at their core.

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