• 14 March 2022

    Listening to community voices to combat ‘impact washing’ and promote good governance

    By Margaux Day, Accountability Counsel
    IMM standards are numerous and range from specific disclosures to high-level principles, but they largely attempt to achieve the same thing – accurate assessment of and reporting on an investment’s net impact on people and the planet. Community-informed IMM requires investors to put into place mechanisms to hear from communities and redress harm.
  • 25 February 2022

    Haitian farmers displaced by Caracol project still await compensation

    By Sam Bojarski, Haitian Times
    Three years ago, hundreds of farmers displaced by the Caracol Industrial Park forged an agreement with the Haitian government and Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) after years of demanding compensation. In exchange for relocating, the farmers affected were supposed to receive direct compensation in the form of jobs, and in some cases, new plots of land.
  • 24 February 2022

    As Haiti’s Caracol park grows, residents demand housing, roads, health care

    By Sam Bojarski, Haitian Times
    Local residents and their advocates say infrastructure improvements in the surrounding region should also take place along with growth inside the industrial park, which largely contains textile factory jobs.
  • 23 February 2022

    How an IDB land deal for Haiti’s farmers went wrong

    By Teresa Welsh, Devex
    Three years ago, a community in northeast Haiti was jubilant: They had reached a deal with the Haitian government and the Inter-American Development Bank to compensate for harms they suffered as a result of an IDB-financed industrial park that had seized their land for construction. But more than three years later, many families who were supposed to be compensated are still waiting.
  • 23 February 2022

    3 years on, Haitians displaced by IDB project await land compensation

    By Teresa Welsh, Devex
    Three years after the IDB and the Haitian government signed the binding agreement, many families still await compensation for the seizure of their land — even as the bank in November approved an additional $65 million for the park’s expansion.
  • 22 December 2021

    These MDB investments got our attention in 2021

    By Vince Chadwick and Shabtai Gold, Devex
    The World Bank is entering into a dispute resolution process over a major urban project — with a total expected cost of some $183 million — in Kampala, Uganda, that faced strong pushback from the local community.
  • 20 December 2021

    Op-Ed: African Development Bank Restructures Its Accountability Office: What Does this Mean for African Communities?

    By Stephanie Amoako, Accountability Counsel
    The African Development Bank recently updated its accountability office, the Independent Recourse Mechanism. What do these changes mean for communities seeking justice for harm stemming from the AfDB’s projects?
  • 16 December 2021

    Using Founder Sabbaticals as Organizational Reset

    By Natalie Bridgeman Fields, Accountability Counsel
    Founder sabbaticals are as important for the organization as for the well-being of the founder. But for a founder’s sabbatical to build organizational resilience, examine internal power dynamics, and prepare for the founder’s eventual (and inevitable) departure, organizations must plan for, resource, and require them.
  • 30 September 2021

    Promoting Access to Justice Through Community-led Approaches

    There are about 5 billion people globally whose justice needs are unmet, including those who cannot obtain justice for everyday problems, those who are excluded from opportunities the law provides, and those who live in extreme conditions of injustice. This article summarizes key takeaways from MCLD’s recent discussion on access to justice, featuring AC’s Stephanie Amoako.
  • 24 September 2021

    African Development Bank adopts new policy to strengthen accountability and support people affected by its operations

    By APO Group on behalf of African Development Bank Group
    The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group (www.AfDB.org) have approved a new policy framework for the Independent Recourse Mechanism (IRM) aimed at strengthening accountability and providing more effective recourse to people affected by Bank-financed operations.
  • 22 September 2021

    World Bank’s new Accountability Mechanism: One step forward…?

    By Bretton Woods Project
    While civil society has welcomed the creation of a dispute resolution mechanism, it has voiced concerns that the Accountability Mechanism’s structure may undermine the Inspection Panel’s independence, and lamented the lack of a mechanism for provision of remedy to affected communities.
  • 17 August 2021

    How can the IDB and MICI effectively address the findings of OVE’s report?

    By Carolina Juaneda, Bank Information Center, and Accountability Counsel
    BIC, Accountability Counsel, and several other partners provided the IDB with recommendations on how to effectively implement the Office of Evaluations and Oversight’s (OVE) Evaluation of the Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism (MICI). The IDB must strengthen MICI’s independence, capacity, and corrective action practices to enhance the mechanism’s legitimacy and ability to provide remedy to project-affected communities.
  • 6 August 2021

    Ugandan community files complaint to World Bank amid forced evictions

    By Rumbi Chakamba, Devex
    During the first phase, in 2014, authorities constructed a channel diversion which Accountability Counsel — an international civil society organization that advocates for communities harmed by projects like this — said ran through the land of many local residents in Kawaala, as well as cut others off from easy access to schools and basic services.
  • 14 July 2021

    We need fair compensation! Kawaala residents run to World Bank over KCCA’s forced eviction

    By Catherine Apolot, Watchdog News
    The community members in Kawaala Zone II in Kampala, Uganda have filed a complaint to the World Bank’s Inspection Panel following attempts to evict them from their homes and farmland without adequate compensation. The eviction is aimed at paving way for the Lubigi drainage channel expansion.
  • 13 July 2021

    Civil society calls for IFC and MIGA to build upon CAO reform

    By Bretton Woods Project
    On 1 July, the board of directors of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank’s private sector lending arm, and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), the World Bank’s political risk insurance arm, announced that it had finalised the development of a new policy for the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO), the independent accountability mechanism of IFC and MIGA.
  • 9 July 2021

    Kawaala residents protest expansion of Lubigi channel, want fair compensation

    By UG News 24
    Community members in Kawaala Zone II in Kampala, Uganda have filed a complaint to the World Bank’s Inspection Panel following attempts to evict them from their homes and farmland without adequate compensation.The eviction is intended to make way for the expansion of the Lubigi drainage channel, a project funded by the World Bank.
  • 2 July 2021

    Activists cautiously optimistic about new IFC accountability policy

    By Shabtai Gold, Devex
    The International Finance Corporation’s new accountability policy came into effect Thursday, the culmination of a yearslong process that included a landmark case the institution lost before the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • 23 June 2021

    EU Energy Project in Nepal Sets Landmark Precedent on Indigenous Consent

    By Anirudha Nagar, Accountability Counsel
    Indigenous rights are at a critical crossroads after communities in Nepal have succeeded in holding the European Union’s investment bank accountable for its role in forcibly constructing a hydropower project on Indigenous land.
  • 2 June 2021

    Everything in its place: From stolen art to endangered monkeys

    By Lindsey McGinnis, Christian Science Monitor
    In a win for local Indigenous groups, the European Investment Bank (EIB) vowed to address gaps in the implementation of a hydropower project in central Nepal.
  • 2 June 2021

    Agency in Hot Water for Financing Fracking in the Dark

    By Kaila Philo, Courthouse News Service
    Stephanie Amoako is a senior policy associate with the Accountability Counsel, which advocates for people harmed by the kinds of projects supported by OPIC and the DFC. “The DFC should welcome any opportunity to increase transparency and accountability to the public,” Amoako said in a phone call, “particularly those most affected by the projects.”