13 March 2025
One year on: No remedy or accountability for survivors of sexual abuse at World Bank Group funded schools in Kenya
(March 13, 2025) – One year ago today, World Bank Group President Ajay Banga apologized to survivors of child sexual abuse at Bridge International Academies, acknowledging “the trauma they experienced” at the World Bank Group-funded schools and committed to supporting them. At the same time, he announced an “external review” of allegations that IFC staff and Bridge management (aka NewGlobe) colluded to obstruct and delay CAO’s work. -
4 March 2025
Against the wind: Resistance, rights, and reckoning in Mexico’s Isthmus
A personal reflection tracing the long-term impact of a 2012 complaint against a major wind farm project, examining both its institutional legacy and its effects on local communities in Mexico’s Isthmus of Tehuantepec. -
5 February 2025
Affirming Our Commitment to Community-Centered Accountability
The Trump administration is targeting historically marginalized peoples to quell resistance and consolidate power. All of us can keep power in check by holding it accountable to the people who are the most impacted. -
4 February 2025
IFC’s Performance Standards Need Community-Led Accountability
The International Finance Corporation is finally updating its Performance Standards. Not only must the new Performance Standards include better environmental and social protections in line with current needs–as defined by impacted communities, but they also must be implemented well and monitored honestly. -
14 January 2025
Joint Civil Society Statement Opposing Amendments to the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, and Taxonomy Regulation
In November 2024, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced she would introduce a proposal to amend three key pillars of the European Green Deal through an Omnibus law: the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, and the Taxonomy Regulation. As members of civil society, human rights and environmental defenders, trade unions and climate activists, we call on the European Commission to actively protect these EU corporate accountability laws, reaffirm the official timeline for their transposition and implementation, and be fully transparent about the Omnibus process. -
14 January 2025
World Bank Announces Changes to its Accountability System
Accountability Counsel welcomes the World Bank Board of Directors’ recent announcement on changes to the Bank’s accountability system. The changes, which reflect Accountability Counsel and partners’ recommendations, aim to create an institutional structure that allows the Inspection Panel to independently investigate allegations of harm to communities and the Dispute Resolution… -
10 January 2025
EBRD Safeguards Break New Ground, but Remedy and Accountability Concerns Remain
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has finalized its new Environmental and Social Policy (ESP). The policy makes several key improvements, including the creation of safeguards around previously unaddressed harms. However, the EBRD’s roles in contributing to remedy and addressing reprisals remain inadequate. -
18 December 2024
Grievance Redress and Remedy Featured Among Newly Released Core Human Rights Principles for Private Conservation Organizations and Funders
As recognized under the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, a human rights-based approach is integral to halting and reversing nature loss in a sustainable manner. Those seeking to deliver on nature-positive impacts now have access to instruction on how to protect the rights of local communities and Indigenous Peoples in the endeavor–the Core Human Rights Principles for Private Conservation Organizations and Funders. The set of ten principles reflect and clarify existing international human rights norms and standards applicable to private conservation efforts, including the responsibility of taking action to prevent and remediate adverse human rights impacts. -
17 December 2024
New DFC Accountability Mechanism Procedures Include Stronger Provisions on Remedy, But Accessibility and Independence Challenges Remain
Nearly five years after the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation became operational, its independent accountability mechanism finally has terms of reference, or procedures, to guide its work addressing complaints from communities harmed by DFC’s financing. Although the TOR include many strong provisions that align with international good practice for IAMs, the TOR fail to address crucial accessibility and independence challenges. -
16 December 2024
Urgent Call for Conditionalities on New IFC and EBRD Loan to Oyu Tolgoi Mine
We, the undersigned CSOs and representatives of herders from Mongolia, strongly condemn the IFC and EBRD in providing a $100 million loan each, to Oyu Tolgoi. This decision blatantly disregards years of unresolved grievances, environmental harm, and OT’s failure to comply with lenders’ safeguard standards, and widespread rejection from local herders, CSOs, and even the Mongolian government. -
10 December 2024
Guardians of Lamu: A Community’s Journey to Protect Land and Heritage / Walinzi wa Lamu: Safari ya Jamii Kulinda Ardhi na Urithi wao
Today, on Human Rights Day, we proudly launch the Guardians of Lamu case study, which captures an extraordinary journey and highlights six complementary strategies communities used to demand justice. -
3 December 2024
The ADB’s Accountability Mechanism: An Uphill Battle for Communities
The ADB’s Accountability Mechanism promises justice for communities impacted by its projects — but is it accessible? Restrictive eligibility requirements, coupled with legal rigors and opaque processes, leave many complaints unresolved. -
15 November 2024
IFC’s Bridge Academies Management Action Plan Has Failed Survivors So Far
Survivors and civil society organizations have raised serious concerns regarding the management action plan’s implementation and its potential to fall short of delivering meaningful support to survivors, specifically to Bridge survivors. -
14 November 2024
Joint Statement on Bridge 4 Management Action Plan Implementation Expressing Civil Society and Survivor Concerns
We strongly urge the Board to request that IFC Management revise its Action Plan to prioritize consultation with the maximum number of Bridge survivors as is possible, and ensure that the remediation program is fit for purpose to deliver meaningful remedy. -
12 November 2024
The World Bank’s climate mission: New risks on the horizon?
Over a year into its new climate mission, the World Bank faces questions about human rights and accountability, as recent complaints reveal vulnerabilities linked to its climate-focused projects. -
23 October 2024
Press Release: Civil Society Welcomes the Introduction of the International Financial Institution Improvements Act of 2024
The Bank Information Center (BIC) and Accountability Counsel (AC) welcome the introduction of Chairwoman Maxine Waters and Congresswoman Joyce Beatty’s International Financial Institution Improvements Act of 2024. This comprehensive legislation directs the U.S. to advocate for improved environmental, social, accountability, and transparency standards at the IFIs in which it is a member. This bill also reflects the priorities of our organizations and broader civil society around the need for the IFIs to improve their due diligence before project approval and provide remedy when their projects cause harm. -
15 October 2024
Without Accountability, Climate Finance Won’t Stand a Chance of Protecting Biodiversity
For increased climate finance to meet its ambitions, it has to be good. And right now, the prevailing model is far from it. -
1 October 2024
Why Every IAM Should Have the Power to Self-Initiate Investigations
While it would be ideal if directly impacted people were able to file cases and demand justice whenever harm occurs, significant barriers to access can make it nearly impossible for that to happen. There is an obvious solution: equipping IAMs with the ability to self-initiate compliance investigations. -
25 September 2024
34 Civil Society Organizations submit joint recommendations on how to strengthen AIIB’s Project-Affected People’s Mechanism
A version of this blog was also published in the AIIB Observer Vol. 2 As the Board of Governors of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank gather for their annual meeting in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, we call on the Bank to strengthen its Project-Affected People’s Mechanism (PPM) and reaffirm the importance of… -
3 September 2024
New Export Feature to Download Complaint Data
Experience faster, more reliable data exports on the Console with our new asynchronous export feature – optimized for large volumes of data and seamless analysis.