Accountability Counsel’s Year in Review

We’re excited to share our annual report with important milestones made possible by our incredible supporters. This year we courageously advocated for dignity and justice for our thousands of clients around the world.
A community of nomadic herders in Mongolia reached historic agreements with one of the world’s largest mining companies and their government, resulting in a wide series of agreements that set the path for remedy. They negotiated in their own voices and with successful results due to our training and support. The first compensation payments under the agreements are now being made to herder families. In Haiti, a group of farmers assisted by Accountability Counsel are negotiating with a development bank and the Haitian government in the first discussion of its kind in that country.
We’ve pushed for policy changes based on lessons we’ve learned in our cases and successfully advocated for new accountability offices to be created. Through the work of our team – including six new full-time employees and two new board members – we are leading a coordinated effort to hold international investment accountable to global standards.
Donate today to add your voice to ours as we achieve justice for communities around the world!