Accountability Counsel Statement on Imrana Jalal Appointment to Inspection Panel

As advocates for people who seek justice through independent accountability mechanisms, Accountability Counsel is pleased to see the World Bank Inspection Panel has announced that Imrana Jalal will fill the opening on the panel left by Dr. Zeinab Bashir El Bakri after the completion of her term earlier this year.
We welcome Jalal in her new role. We anticipate working with her to help the Inspection Panel fulfill its mandate. The work of the Inspection Panel is critical to accountability in development and we are glad that the panel will have a full cadre of members as a new year begins.
We see our role as civil society partners to promote the independence, transparency, fairness, accessibility, and effectiveness of the Inspection Panel as we assist project-affected communities to bring cases and advocate for human rights-centered development. We look forward to getting to know Jalal and working with her in the panel’s important work.