ESCR-Net asks Government of Nepal to Respect the Rights of Communities Affected by World Bank Project

On 10 August, 2016, the International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net) sent a collective letter to the Government of Nepal to express concern regarding the reported and threatened human rights violations in connection with the World Bank-funded Khimti-Dhalkebar 220 kV Transmission Line Project, in the Sindhuli District, which is operating on the lands of indigenous peoples.
To see a copy of the letter in English click here. The letter and the summary of the letter are available on ESCR-Net’s website in English, Spanish and French.
ESCR-Net is the largest global network of organizations and activists devoted to achieving economic, social and environmental justice through human rights, consisting of over 270 organizational and individual members in more than 75 countries. Accountability Counsel maintains a formal membership with ESCR-Net.