Last week, Lani Inverarity represented Accountability Counsel at el Taller Mecanismos de Rendición de Cuentas y Sociedad Civil (Workshop of Accountability Mechanisms and Civil Society) in México City. The workshop was co-hosted by civil society organizations FUNDAR, el Centro de Colaboración Cívica, and el Grupo Regional sobre Financiamento e Infraestructura, and the international accountability mechanisms of the Inter-American Development Bank, World Bank Group, the European Investment Bank, and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation. It brought together over 100 participants from a diverse range of Mexican civil society organizations and academia, together with colleagues from North and South America and Europe. Lani presented on the advantages and disadvantages of an IAM complaint strategy, encouraging participants to think strategically about when and how to utilize the mechanisms. Participants returned to many of these, sometimes difficult, strategic questions throughout the course of the workshop. You can read more about the workshop in Spanish here and in English here.
16 June 2016
Accountability Counsel Presents in Workshop of Accountability Mechanism and Civil Society