Congress and the White House Hold OPIC Accountable for Problems Uncovered in Our Liberia Case

Late last night, President Obama signed the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015, which includes provisions n an explanatory statement requiring the U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) to address serious accountability gaps revealed in an investigation regarding a failed biomass project in Liberia. In January 2014, Accountability Counsel helped hundreds of Liberian farmers, charcoal producers and workers file a complaint to OPIC about the project. Since OPIC released the investigation report in September 2014, we have urged Congressional leaders to take action. The provisions also direct OPIC to staff its vacant Office of Accountability, which has been unstaffed for months since the report’s release, leaving communities harmed by OPIC projects without an independent office to receive their complaints. Learn more about our case in Liberiaand our work to maintain an independent and effective Office of Accountability. Read our joint press release about the exciting news.