In the News
30 November 2012
Mining Saps a Thirsty Desert
The Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold mine in the southern Gobi desert in Mongolia has become a symbol of a looming crisis: a limited water supply that could be exhausted within a decade, seriously threatening the lives and livelihoods of the local population. -
18 November 2012
Los líos de la nueva terminal en Bogotá
Informes de la Secretaría de Ambiente y de la Alcaldía Local de Fontibón revelan aumento de ruido en la localidad. Los vecinos aseguran que la ampliación del aeropuerto los ha perjudicado. -
5 October 2012
Mongolia: Environment Pays Price for Infrastructure Inefficiencies
Mirage-like, a slinky piece of asphalt appears on the horizon after hours of driving across the dusty Gobi Desert. What’s coming into sight is the only paved surface for miles around. Yet many trucks are driving alongside the new highway, not on it. -
19 June 2012
Executive Director Natalie Fields Featured in Elle Magazine’s 2012 Genius Awards
Accountability Counsel’s Executive Director, Natalie Bridgeman Fields, was featured in the July 2012 edition of Elle Magazine. Elle presented Natalie with a ‘Genius Award’ for her work with Accountability Counsel. Natalie shares this award with the staff, Law Fellows, interns, pro bono lawyers, donors and supporters who make Accountability Counsel’s work possible. -
9 March 2012
‘When I was herding I had a plentiful life. Now I am working for another and have lost my independence’
In the past decade, Mongolia’s South Gobi Desert has experienced an enormous mining boom. In 2000, we had only a couple of large active mines. Today, there are dozens of large-scale mines with many more being planned. I formed a research team with members of the communities being affected by two particular developments: Oyu Tolgoi mine, a US$12bn project owned and operated by Rio Tinto and funded by the World Bank among other organisations, Mongolia’s largest ever foreign direct investment, and Tayan Nuur iron mine, in south-western Mongolia, which is being financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Together we interviewed 100 people, most of whom have spent their entire lives as nomadic herders until recently, while others were residents of the local towns or staff at the local government office. -
26 July 2011
Natalie Bridgeman: La vigilante extranjera
Tuxtepec, Oaxaca.- Durante los últimos ocho meses el tema de la hidroeléctrica ha sido tema central de muchas discusiones. Existen los personajes evidentes: las comunidades y la empresa interesada en realizar una inversión de 60 millones de dólares y la parte gubernamental integrada por diputados, senador y dependencias federales. -
28 February 2011
A big win—and unknowns—for Chevron’s accusers
This month, an Ecuadorian court handed down one of the largest environmental awards in history, ordering Chevron to pay US$9.5 billion in connection with Amazon oilfield pollution. The Feb. 14 court ruling, issued in the ramshackle oil town of Lago Agrio, clearly marks a major milestone in the 17-year-old case and, more broadly, in litigation concerning the conduct of multinational oil companies in the developing world. -
14 February 2011
Hidroelectrica en Cerro de Oro viola reglamentos: Investigador
Tuxtepec, Oax.- La noche del pasado viernes durante la rueda de prensa con los diputados locales, El Profesor investigador del Centro de Investigación de Estudios Superiores y Antropología Social Ciesas: Guillermo Padilla Rudeano, habló sobre la problemática en torno a la obra hidroeléctrica en Cerro de Oro. -
13 January 2011
Comunidades chinantecas en lucha contra represas
En la primera semana de enero de este turbulento año que comienza, las comunidades chinantecas de Paso Canoa y Santa Úrsula, en el estado de Oaxaca, recibieron la visita de un grupo de investigadores estadunidenses, pertenecientes a la Corporación Privada de Inversión en el Exterior (OPIC, por sus siglas en inglés), una agencia del gobierno de Estados Unidos que proporciona financiamiento internacional. Estaban ahí para investigar actos violatorios de los derechos humanos y de los pueblos indígenas, según la denuncia que desde el día 30 de noviembre del año pasado representantes de esas comunidades presentaron ante dicha organización. -
12 January 2011
Natalie Bridgeman Fields: Top 20 Under 40
Natalie Bridgeman Fields is not afraid of the courtroom – through her own law practice, she is co-lead counsel representing the nonprofit Amazon Watch and a group of Peru’s indigenous Achuar residents in a tort case against Occidental Petroleum Corp. She’s also local counsel for the Yale National Litigation Project, representing convicted terrorist Jose Padilla in his constitutional claims against former Bush administration lawyer John Yoo. But Fields has seen her greatest impact outside of court as a leader in using nonjudicial remedies to help communities affected by large-scale development projects.