25 April 2014
EBRD Advocacy re Human Rights & Accountability
Today, Accountability Counsel partnered with Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Center for International Environmental Law, CEE Bankwatch and Article 19 on a Letter and Statement submitted to the President of the EBRD, encouraging a strengthening, not weakening, of EBRD policy. Read more here. -
17 April 2014
Two New Ways to Donate – For Free!
Accountability Counsel announces two new partnerships – AmazonSmile and My Broker Donates (MBD). If you shop on, select our fiscal sponsor, Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE), to have Amazon donate to AC when you shop at no cost to you! If you are looking to buy or sell a house, contact MBD to use a top Realtor who will donate a portion of their commission to Accountability Counsel – also at no cost to you! More information is on our Donate page. -
11 April 2014
OPIC Accountability Policy Just Released
The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) has just released a revised policy governing its Office of Accountability. Accountability Counsel was instrumental in advocating for the policy review and took a lead in providing comments as part of the review process. Our analysis of the new policy will be coming soon here. -
13 March 2014
Whither World Bank Accountability?
The World Bank Inspection Panel has approved a revised set of Operating Procedures, ignoring comments from civil society unanimously asking that they not weaken protections for communities who rely on the Panel to deliver justice. The Inspection Panel was the first accountability office created in 1993 and until now, has been a model. -
6 March 2014
Inter-American Development Bank Excludes Civil Society from Annual Meeting
Today, Accountability Counsel and 36 other civil society organizations from across the Americas sent a letter to the Inter-American Development Bank demanding that it allow civil society participation in the Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors, which is taking place in Brazil at the end of the month. -
13 February 2014
World Bank Inspection Panel Independence Under Threat
Today, Accountability Counsel, along with 40 civil society organizations from around the world, sent a letter calling on the World Bank Inspection Panel to ensure the independence of its Secretariat. Seven highly-respected former members of the World Bank Inspection Panel also forcefully called on the current Inspection Panel to stop efforts to undermine its own independence. To learn more about this breaking news, see our page on the 2014 Inspection Panel secretariat crisis and read our blog on the Council on Foreign Relations website. -
27 January 2014
World Bank Inspection Panel Policy Review – Citizens Demand Changes
Thirty-two Civil society organizations joined together last week to demand changes to the World Bank Inspection Panel’s draft Operating Procedures. The Panel’s proposed revisions to its policy risk undermining the Panel’s ability to deliver accountability. Read the Joint CSO letter and learn more about the Inspection Panel. -
24 January 2014
OPIC Commits to Independent Review of Abuses in Liberia
Today, for the first time, OPIC committed to conducting an independent review of the impacts of its investment in Buchanan Renewables. While this is an important first step, we are awaiting details regarding OPIC’s timeline and what steps it intends to take to ensure that the review is transparent, truly independent and leads to remedy for our Liberian clients. Sign our petition to continue putting pressure on OPIC to fulfill its commitment. Read our joint press release. -
24 January 2014
U.S. Agency Makes First Step in Committing to an Independent Review of its Role in Human Rights Abuses in Liberia
Today, the U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation (“OPIC”) committed for the first time to conducting an independent review of the impacts of its investment in an abusive biomass project in Liberia. On January 22, 2014, hundreds of Liberian farmers, charcoal producers and workers filed a complaint with OPIC demanding redress… -
23 January 2014
Complaint filed in the United States for adverse impacts of Buchanan Renewables
Today, hundreds of Liberians, with assistance from civil society organizations Accountability Counsel and Green Advocates, filed a complaint with the U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), one of the financiers of Buchanan Renewables’ operations in Liberia. Read full press release here. -
22 January 2014
Liberians File Complaint Seeking Redress for Abusive U.S.-Funded Biomass Project: OPIC Petition launched
Today, hundreds of Liberian farmers, charcoal producers and workers filed a complaint with the U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation, demanding accountability for its funding of a biomass project that caused serious human rights, labor and environmental abuses, including sexual abuse by company employees of local women. The affected Liberians call on the U.S. government to take responsibility for its role. Demand accountability by signing this petition and learn more here. Read our joint press release. -
3 December 2013
Investigation Planned in Nepal on World Bank Violations of Indigenous Rights
The World Bank Inspection Panel has recommended an investigation into human rights violations associated with construction of a high voltage transmission line in Nepal funded by the World Bank. The investigation, and a commitment by the Bank to address issues on the ground in the meantime, is the result of an Accountability Counsel-supported complaint from communities in the Sindhuli District of Nepal. More on this case is available here. -
3 December 2013
Raising Voices, Demanding Justice
In celebration of #GivingTuesday, we are pleased to announce our new brochure highlighting our work in communities around the world. -
13 November 2013
Audit of Rio Tinto’s Oyu Tolgoi Mine in Mongolia Shows Failure to Adequately Protect Herders and the Environment
Today, Accountability Counsel, OT Watch, and an international coalition of advocacy organizations delivered a review of Rio Tinto’s recently published audit and Operational Management Plans to the World Bank Board. -
28 October 2013
Guest post: EBRD financed Ukrainian agribusiness causes local insecurities
Environmental groups in Ukraine have highlighted the negative local impacts of one of the biggest agribusinesses in the country, MHP, that is in line to receive additional credit by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. -
22 October 2013
Human Rights, Environment, Labor and Development Justice Groups Join Together to Demand OPIC Accountability
On October 18, 2013, Accountability Counsel and 25 organizations and individuals submitted joint comments to the OPIC Office of Accountability on the draft of their revised rules of procedure (also available in Spanish). AFL-CIO, Amnesty International USA, Friends of the Earth US, Greenpeace, and Sierra Club are among the 25 organizations who endorsed Accountability Counsel’s letter. More on the campaign to improve the OPIC OA can be found here. -
14 October 2013
Natalie Fields Speaks at California State Bar Panel on the UN Guiding Principles and Accountability in the Extractive Industry
On October 11, 2013, Accountability Counsel’s Executive Director, Natalie Fields, spoke at the Annual Meeting of the State Bar of California at a Panel on the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights and how they have impacted accountability in the extractive industry. -
12 October 2013
Complaint Filed in Mongolia Strategic Support Case
Today, a group of nomadic Mongolian herders filed a complaint demanding just compensation for the impacts of Rio Tinto’s Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold mine in the South Gobi desert. The complaint was filed with the Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman (“CAO”), the accountability mechanism for the World Bank Group’s International Finance Corporation (“IFC”) and Multilateral Insurance Guarantee Agency (“MIGA”), both of which are considering supporting the project. Read the joint press release and learn more on our Mongolia case page. -
3 October 2013
IAMs and Civil Society Groups Hold Historic First Annual Meeting
On September 27, 2013, Accountability Counsel co-hosted a Roundtable Meeting at the World Bank exploring the Promise of Remedy and Accountability with the staff of the world’s independent accountability mechanisms (IAMs). Over 100 people attended the event that featured a lively conversation and a commitment to continued IAM-civil society dialogue around quickly moving accountability issues. -
3 October 2013
Accountability Counsel is Joined by 20 Organizations in Comments to the Inter-American Development Bank
On September 30, 2013, Accountability Counsel submitted comments to the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) joined by 20 other civil society organizations with suggestions for improving the functioning of the IDB’s accountability office. Background information and the comments in Spanish and English are available here.