Workers in the formal and informal economy experience harm from international finance and investment in a variety of ways. Communities come to us regarding forced labor, health and safety violations in the workplace that cause illness, disability and even death, and a wide range of other labor rights related abuses.

Our work supports workers and their families to ensure transparency around abuses, raise grievances, bring accountability and find solutions. We have worked with both dispute resolution and compliance review investigation tools to expose labor rights violations that resulted from internationally financed investment.

Relevant Cases Include: Caracol Industrial Park, Haiti | Mining in the South Gobi, Mongolia | Oro Province Palm Oil, PNG | Biomass Project in Buchanan, Liberia | Tea Plantations in Assam, India | Oil in the Amazon, Peru | Agribusiness in Ukraine

Select Media

Haiti: Caracol Industrial Park
Mongolia: South Gobi Mining
Liberia: Biomass Project in Buchanan
India: Assam Tea Plantations
Peru: Oil in the Amazon
Ukraine: Agribusiness